Are You Ready?
January 20, 2025
The recent fires that have impacted so many in California have exposed a vulnerability for many. Are you ready if a disaster were to land on your doorstep? Do you have a pre-disaster protocol in place? If not, what are some steps you can take today while you are thinking clearly to be prepared? The beginning of a year is typically a good time to get organized. This disaster has taken the idea of getting our financial documents organized to a higher level.One of the “To Dos” we suggest to our clients when we are working through a financial plan is to take pictures or a video of their belongings and save these off-site. This is suggested for insurance purposes if there is a fire or theft of your property. But this is just the start. There is also a need to digitize some of your important documents, family pictures, and other items important to you. If you have a scanner, you may be able to do this yourself or there are services out there you can avail yourself too as well. One service we are aware of is EverPresent.com, and there are others like this to check out.
Having an evacuation plan that has been communicated with family and friends is a conversation long overdue for many. You may have had this conversation a few years ago, but things change and there may be a need to revisit the what-ifs. If you have pets, they need to be a part of this plan. For those who have lived in areas of high risk, a “Go Bag” has been a part of their exit plan. However, this may not be current thinking for others and an essential part of an exit strategy.
For many, this has been a wake-up call and a realization that much work needs to be done in this area. It’s one thing to escape a disaster and another to identify the next steps related to accessing medicines, financial information, and basic services. To start, FEMA has a checklist that highlights the essential items you should safeguard should a disaster strike. This checklist is listed below. It is a good place to start.
We know more needs to be done and over the next several months we will share more of our research in this area. We never know if or when a disaster may occur, but the more you know and are prepared, the better the outcome.
Teri R. Alexander, CFP®, MSFP, CeFT®, AIF®
Founder & Senior Advisor – Alexander Financial Planning, Inc.
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